Strapless maxi dress |
SNOBBERYWriter Chris Kraus recommends landlording as “a way of engaging with a population completely outside the culture industry. Kind of like in gay culture, where hookups are a way of
escaping your class.” (London Review of Books)
“We attract the very top echelon of clients from around the world. This development represents a real threat to our livelihood here at the Goring... It is one of the premium suites in London, accommodating senior royalty, presidents and superstars. All require privacy, and this is how we manage to sell this suite in a
very competitive market.” (Jeremy Goring, chief executive of the Goring Hotel, doesn't want social housing built opposite the hotel, especially not in full view of the royal suite.)
The noble Lord says that he does not want a housemaid to carry a coal
scuttle up two or three floors. He says there should be a gas fire.
have always believed this was a free country. (The House of Lords
discusses the Clean Air Act.)
It is not simply a question of there being too many people, it is the
wrong kind of people. (Darran Anderson,
Imaginary Cities on certain people's fears for the future.)
Heston Blumenthal: I was at the opening of Soho Farmhouse... and they
said, “Oh, when people phone to book we Google them.
If they’re not
interesting then we don’t give them a table.” Observer 2015
There is, she concedes,
“a U and Non-U side of the
lighthouse”. U would be living on South Green (Georgian houses;
unrestricted views); Non-U is found on the road to the front. (Observer on
Southwold, 23.08.15)
In the brilliant 60s film
Jigsaw, a neighbour sums up the murder victim, saying she was still wearing a dressing gown and
curlers at teatime (and sleeps with the gas fire on). “She was wearing
lipstick with the curlers –
she was that type of woman.”
George Orwell being rude about the Upwards of his day: The
more-water-in-your-beer reformers of whom Shaw is the prototype, and the
astute young social-literary climbers who are Communists now, as they
will be Fascists five years hence, because it is all the go, and all
dreary tribe of highminded women and sandal-wearers and bearded
fruit-juice drinkers...
Famously, there is the attraction of socialist doctrine for “cranks”: One
sometimes gets the impression that the mere words ‘Socialism’ and
‘Communism’ draw towards them with magnetic force every
drinker, nudist, sandal-wearer, sex-maniac, Quaker, ‘Nature Cure’ quack,
pacifist, and feminist in England.
And finally, rising to an apparent pitch of impotent frustration: If
only the sandals and pistachio-coloured shirts could be put in a pile
and burnt, and every vegetarian and teetotaller sent
home to Welwyn Garden City to do his
yoga exercises quietly. (
Orwell also wrote of: “The lower-upper-middle-class” who own no land but still feel they are
“landowners in the sight of God”.
David’s most spectacular career move... was his marriage to a cousin of
the queen, the thus royal Lady Pamela Mountbatten. He unwisely boasted
his “grand” engagement to Tony Armstrong-Jones.
“Oh, I don’t call that
grand,” was Tony’s testy reply. A few days later Tony announced his own
engagement to Princess Margaret. (
Redeeming Features, Nicky Haslam)
Town and Country have identified a new class: the Upper Middletons. “UMs bring neither vast wealth nor lineage to the table. Instead they bring qualities never before seen in the English upper classes —
warm, close family relationships, loyalty, reliability and that most socially derided asset:
niceness. UM parents may want their children to marry and mix with real poshies, but they do not do this by copying them. In defiance of the ancient English upper class code, they
actually like their children, so refuse to pack them off to prep school at seven. Instead, children stay at home to be loved and nurtured, instructed in good manners and kindness until the age of 13, when they go off to an unflashy co-educational boarding school – Bradfield, Millfield or Marlborough”, says the Times. “Their children are perfectly turned out, polite and, dare we say it,
slightly boring. They have nice manners, are popular, attend school parties with perfectly wrapped gifts and get decent grades,” Town & Country said. In London, they live in Battersea, Putney and Richmond, but they prefer “underwhelming” Buckinghamshire, Berkshire and Hertfordshire. They often run small businesses that keep them close to home. Their sports are skiing and tennis. “They don’t have great taste; they have ‘nice’, high-street taste. UMs never wear black (too fashionable). They adore a pop of colour, a stripe or a floral and, for the females, a daring split skirt or plunging neckline. Their weakness is white jeans, which both sexes wear far too often,” says T&C. (They do sound nice, don’t they?)
When we first met, his mother’s chief concern was that,
being common, I might get our children to use dummies, which she disapproved of. (Woman quoted in the Guardian)
Competition is fierce, but Hilary Rose in the Times magazine wins the snobbery prize: "In fact, I think, too much daytime skin in general looks a bit trashy in town, doesn’t it? I’m thinking mainly of
those sunburnt women who walk down Oxford Street, hoisting up their strapless maxidresses. Then again, Oxford Street’s awful full stop." (There was a move to pedestrianise it in order to attract a better class of shopper but fortunately it was put a stop to.)
Social capital ...
the quantity and social status of their friends, family and personal and business contacts. (Wikipedia)
Social hierarchy is determined by whether you’re more West Street or Devonshire Street on a night out. (Buzzfeed on Sheffield)
Living in Guildford has its advantages. People in Surrey are
too posh for Trick or Treating. (Judge Dreadful @KeefJudge)
I worry about people who think that AUTOMATICALLY because of
gender/age/cultural background,
certain people have it easier. Not
always true. (@matthaig1)
Melanie Phillips thinks it is patronising and middle class to say that
working class people would find boring work boring. (@JonnElledge)
Well I have always found @McVities Jaffa cakes to be
utterly classless whether Eton in #Holloway or #Islington. (@RuthRobinsonLon)
Took my builder cousin into
a branch of Fired Earth and he almost literally hasn't stopped laughing about the prices for three hours. (Sathnam Sanghera @Sathnam)
More engineers have regional accents because it’s a meritocracy. (Bloke on
Infinite Monkey Cage. He adds that the media is full of posh people because it’s not a meritocracy.)
Most of the time
I feel middle class. Until I met someone who is actually middle class, then I feel working class again. (And a real snob would think “So sad – they think they’re middle class!”) (concretism @concretism_mus)
I think the north stops when you go far enough into the Midlands that people start calling you “babs” instead of “duck” or “love”. Or when people have tea instead of dinner and dinner instead of lunch. Or when chippies start asking if you want
gravy with your chips. (Guardian July 2015. Don't they mean "the north starts"?)
Grand Edwardian life: the vast houses, the vast house parties, the vast
yachts, hydrangeas, tiaras and aigrettes. (Nicky Haslam,
Features An aigrette is an ornament worn in the hair - probably comprising diamonds and feathers.)
The Times magazine Aug 2015-08-01has a piece on “smart casual” – the new
relaxed style. It’s the old “how to be middle class” under another name.
These are some signs you are not “smart casual”.Changing your towels often
A year-round tandoori tan
Wearing heels at home
Sending lavish, Miss World-style floral bouquets
Designer beach kaftan
Regularly rotating your designer handbags
Teeth veneers
One miniature dog
Smart casual signs:A sailing/staycation tan
Ditching heels all summer
Cotton book bags
Teeth whitening
Minimum two dogs, one of them Shetland-pony size
whole idea is to make your home resemble a
holiday cottage, and when
not at work to look as if you were just about to
stroll onto a beach or
sailing boat. When
entertaining, the smart casuals pile the kitchen table with cutlery and
food, and everybody mixes and matches. No formality. “The whole
experience is more rustica than roux. More squeeze of lemon than creamy
sauces.” (The middle classes have thought “creamy sauces” common for
decades: perhaps ever since the aspirant copied them in the form of
cheaper white sauce – thickened with flour. Remember Sole Veronique?)
More here, and links to the rest.